Jules Cloquet print pregnancy 1825


Hand coloured anatomical print no. 319 of a pregnant woman from Jules Cloquet’s Manuel d’anatomie descriptive du corps humain of 1825 from volume 2 (of 4 volumes). The print depicts fhree figures with sections of a pregnant woman. Firstly, it represents the uterus in a state of pregnancy, with the abdominal viscera on the right side. Secondly, it represents a portion of the internal surface of the uterus in a woman who died two days after childbirth. Thirdly, it represents the bundles of muscular fibers of the uterus at the ninth month of pregnancy. This organ is turned inside out to expose its internal surface.

The volume contained over 340 illustrations of Haincelin. Besides from the one shown here, we have many others, with various topics, do not mind to get in touch with us. Jules Germain Cloquet (18 December 1790 – 23 February 1883) was a French physician and surgeon who was born and practiced medicine in Paris. In 1821 Jules Cloquet became one of the earliest members elected to the Académie Nationale de Médecine in Paris. In 1836, he was elected Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

Cloquet was known for his expertise as a surgeon, especially his work with hernial disorders. He was also the first to describe and identify the remnant of the embryonic hyaloid artery. This vestige was to become known as Cloquet’s canal.

Passe-partout dimensions: 37 x 27,5 cm.

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