Robbert Collin student surgical set


A Robbert Collin surgical set in original oak wooden case. The set comes with a hand signed label of Robert Collin, apprentice of Charriere. The label states that box no. 29, for trainee doctors. The instruments are made of steel and come with ebony handles. The handle of the little scalpels and saw have a patented system and can be clipped on and set tight by turning a button.

2 Oiguillea à sutera

2 Bistouris: pointu: conoexe et mousse

2 Lames de bistouris }

1 Tenaculum               }

Oliguille d’A. Cooper }

se montau sur lea manches de bistouria


2 Couteau de Larrey, Longueur 11 cent

Couteau ( manche d’emonteau)

2 Pinces,


1 Scie demontante avec 2 lames,

1 sonde cannelée en argent

1 Styler aiguille

2 Crochets mousse en S

1 Epinglea à suterea

1 Caisse eu chêne


2 Suturing needles

2 Scalpels: pointed, convex, and foamed

2 Scalpel blades                   }

Tenaculum  (missing)          }

A. Cooper’s needle holder }

sits on the scalpel handle


2 Larrey knives, Length 11 centimeters

Knife (handle of a dismanled tool)

2 Forceps


Dismantling saw with 2 blades

Silver grooved probe

Needle stylus

2 S-shaped foam hooks

Suturing needle

Oak box

Box dimensions 31 x 12 x 5 cm.

SKU: 00 431117*l S Categories: ,

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