Weiss set of Urethra instruments, ca.1863-1880


A combined set of various lithrity, Lithotomy, urethra and bladder instruments composed mainly of Weiss instruments in a case by Arnold and Sons. The instruments are made of polished steel. The case with original key is made of mahogany wood with brass decorations and screws, on the inner side it is decorated with purple velvet, it is signed ‘Arnold & Sons’, ‘F. Turner & os Patent lever’ and ’26 & 31. West Smithfield & 1. 2 & 3. Giltspur st London. Apart from one missing scalpel, the case and instruments are in good condition.

The case contains the following instruments:

First drawer

  • A scoop
  • 4 forceps: Allarton’s Foreceps for the Median Operation
  • Lithotomy Forceps, with Cross-action
  • The same forceps with curved blades
  • Straight Lithotomy Forceps
  • 2 lithotrites with flat blade and large wheel handle, one of Evans & Wormull London and one of Weiss London.

Second drawer

  • 6 dilators marked with various sizes, of which two Liston’s staffs with side grooves
  • A prostatic catheter. With Weiss’ Spiral Stillette. (from the Weiss Catalogue: This stiletto has the advantage of completely fitting the catheter, and of being easily removed.)
  • Fergusson’s Staff for dividing Stricture of the Urethra.
  • A forceps
  • 4 knives, including three original Weiss:
    • A listons knive
    • 2 hernia knives
  • 2 dilators

See the instruments for yourself:


Case dimensions: 22,5 x 45,5 x 12,5 cm.

SKU: 00 440224* w S Categories: ,

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